rw/2 Identity Design


Stunning identity design for photography studio rw/2 by Sebastian Gram while working with Hello Monday. Excellent choice of color, love the minty green, and great use of white space. The grid brings all these elements together to create a superb design.

Via Jason Alejandro        

A Redesign is a Comin’



I just flipped the switch and moved everything over so it should all be done. Let me know if you find anything that looks weird, especially those of you on a PC. Enjoy.

Yup… again. I’m starting to grow out of this current design. I need something more flexible with more real estate for the posts and for side widgets. Better typography and usability as well.

You’ll notice that I’ve also begun to prepare the most recent posts to work with the new design. I’m setting some visual standards. A slight change in how I write out the headlines. Previously I use to capitalize all the words in a title including “a”, “the”, “of”, “is”, “on” and so on. Now I’m using a form of Title Casing where the first and last words in the title are capitalized as well as any word four or more letters. I’m also setting an image height of 700px for consistency. You’ll see what I mean when I launch the new design.

It’s pretty much done, I’m just making some final tweaks and I’ll probably flip the switch tomorrow evening. I hope you guys dig it.        

What Is Graphic Design?


This is my entry for the What is Graphic Design Poster Competition. My idea behind this poster is that graphic design is whatever we want it to be. Designers are responsible for defining what is graphic design with our use of color, typography, layout, and when necessary, a visual element. My design conveys this idea through a simple layout that consists of a header, image placement and copy. The image area is blank and the copy is all Lorem Ipsum, a sort of metaphor, meaning that anything can be placed there. It’s all up to the designer. That, to me, is graphic design.

What is graphic design to you? Submit an idea for a chance to win a nice prize.

I also put up a version with the grid on.