ABC Verlag

Abc verlag

ABC Verlag (Edition) was a book publisher based in Zurich, Switzerland that released a superb collection of graphic design and fine art books between 1962-1989. I’ve been personally obsessed with these books and have been on a hunt for them for the last 4 years. They contain some of the best graphic design of the last century, and each book covers a different topic.

I recently uploaded photos to my Flickr of my three most recent additions to my collection:

History of the Poster – 1971 – Josef Müller-Brockmann
Design Concept Realisation – 1975 – Wolfgang Schmittel
Color Sells Your Package – 1969 – J.P. Favre

I can get lost in this stuff for days.

More Rare Swiss Design Books


These next two additions to my collection have to be the most rare and the most expensive but also the most satisfying. Publicity and Graphic Design in the Chemical Industry (1967) and Graphic Design in Swiss Industry (1965) are both by Hans Neuberg and are part of the excellent ABC Verlag collection and contain page after page of some of the finest design work you’ll ever see. From packaging to letterheads these books will keep you hypnotized for hours… if you can find them.

You can see more photos from both books on my Flickr page.        

Swiss Sports Posters


I added a new book to my collection this weekend titled Swiss Sports Posters that features… well… Swiss sports posters. The book is a collection of the best sports posters covering more than a century. Printed in 1983 and authored by Karl Wobmann and Max Triet, Swiss Sports Posters contains brilliant work that will get any designers juices flowing.

Check out the full gallery on my Flickr page.        

A Sign Systems Manual


This beautiful specimen just arrived today. A Sign Systems Manual by Theo Crosby, Alan Fletcher and Colin Forbes illustrates and describes a simple basic system for designing, contracting and displaying signs. It also dives into the history of alphabets and the development of type. It’s an excellent inspirational resource jam packed with pages and pages of gorgeous type examples.

This is the rarest and most expensive book I own. I found it for less than $100, that’s a great price considering that I’ve seen it for $300.