ABC Verlag

Abc verlag

ABC Verlag (Edition) was a book publisher based in Zurich, Switzerland that released a superb collection of graphic design and fine art books between 1962-1989. I’ve been personally obsessed with these books and have been on a hunt for them for the last 4 years. They contain some of the best graphic design of the last century, and each book covers a different topic.

I recently uploaded photos to my Flickr of my three most recent additions to my collection:

History of the Poster – 1971 – Josef Müller-Brockmann
Design Concept Realisation – 1975 – Wolfgang Schmittel
Color Sells Your Package – 1969 – J.P. Favre

I can get lost in this stuff for days.


The new book Symbol by Angus Hyland of Pentagram looks like a gem.

The book features over 1300 symbols, organized into groups and sub-groups according to their visual characteristics. Each category includes a short introduction on who the symbol was designed for, the designer, and in some cases, what the symbol stands for. These sections are interspersed with short case studies on both classic and more recently designed symbols.

Yves Zimmermann

Yves ZimmermannYves ZimmermannYves Zimmermann

I love these covers designed in 1959 by Yves Zimmermann for Typografische Monatsblätter. Set in Akzidenz Grotesk, these covers remind me of another TM cover designed by Robert Büchler. A poster was also printed of these wonderful design.

Definitely check out the full article on Display for more details on these beauties.

Bracket Vol. 02: Hunger

Bracket Vol. 2: Hunger

Bracket is a new publication that features everything in between. Ideas, voices and processes that are overlooked and under- appreciated. The collection features 8 volumes to be published from now until 2012 on topics from Craft, Hunger, Ethics to Spirit and Failure. The beautiful newsprint was designed by Felix Ng of Anonymous.

Issue 2 was just released and it’s on the topic of Hunger and features Seth Godin, John Maeda, HelloVon, Behance, This is Real Art, Ghostly International, Timothy Saccenti and more.

Exclusive: Process 4.5

I’m super excited about this exclusive AisleOne feature. The fine folks at Process have released a special edition publication titled: Process 4.5.

Process 4.5 is the first in a series of special edition Process publications. Printed in only black on lightweight 70gsm Bond, Process 4.5 purposely contrasts the usual high production qualities of the quarterly journal, as well acting as a platform to experiment with different formats and production techniques. The publication’s content is a reflection and retrospective of the first four editions of Process Journal.

Consisting of three major parts, the first a comprehensive essay written by typographer and design-lecturer Brad Haylock. The second a typographic analysis of each of the typefaces featured in editions one to four, including type samples and specimens. And finally, a selection of contributors from editions one to four were asked a simple question: What is your process?. Including responses from Brett Phillips (3 Deep Design), Michael C. Place (Build), Mason Wells (Bibliothèque), Tom Crabtree (Manual),Tony Brook (Spin) and more..

View hi-res images of the publication.

You can grab a copy on the Process store.

Burton Kramer Identities: A Career Retrospective Book

Burton kramer identities

I’ve written about Burton Kramer’s excellent work before, and I’m excited as hell to see that there’s finally a book available that covers his career.

The book is titled Burton Kramer Identities and features 50 years worth of work, including the excellent identity for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and Geigy.

The book is printed on-demand via Lulu and a copy can be ordered from them.

186 Pages / 8.5 x 8.5″
Paperback, CMYK Print
250+ Images / 9 Articles