Writer iPad App


Yesterday, the talented Oliver Reichenstein, and his crew at Information Architects, released Writer for the iPad. The app is a well-designed, stripped down writing tool that allows you to focus on your writing instead of distractions. There’s a Focus Mode that removes auto-correction, spell-checker, toolbars, scrolling, editing, cut/copy/paste and fades out all the text except for the three lines you’re working on. The mode is really great for when you’re stuck on a sentence and need to concentrate on that small section of text.

Much attention has also been paid to the typography. Writer doesn’t have any fancy formatting settings. Instead, font type, text size, column width, leading and contrast have all been optimized to provide the best reading experience in both portrait and landscape modes. The app makes use of Nitti Light, a monospaced typeface by Bold Monday.

I’ve had the privilege of beta testing the app before it’s was released, and I can easily say that Writer is one of my favorite apps on my iPad. I’ve used it many times to write blog posts, emails and even portions of my book. I’m easily distracted when I write and this app helps me to focus. Oliver and crew paid a great deal of attention to the details, and it shows. I applaud them for the excellent work.

Oliver posted an article detailing their thinking behind the app.

Dieter Rams Less and More


“Good design is as little design as possible.”

Damn right. Words to live by.

Dieter Rams is one of the most influential industrial designers of this past century. Jonathan Ive, Senior Vice President of Industrial Design at Apple, is heavily influenced by Rams’ work. You can see huge similarities between Apple and classic Braun products in their simplicity, beauty and function.

From November 18 – March 14, The Design Museum in London is having an exhibition titled “Dieter Rams Less and More“. The exhibition will showcase Rams’ inspiring designs for Braun and Vitsœ. I might have to head to London just to see this.

To satisfy your fix, here’s a short documentary of Rams, a Dieter Rams Flickr group and a Braun Flickr group showcasing the classic Braun designs.

Grid Calculator 1.3


A new version (1.3) of the excellent Grid Calculator has been released for the Mac. The main feature of this upgrade is the ability to calculate grids for web design. It’s the only stand-alone app that I know of that supports both print and web. Pretty sweet. I’ve been told that the PC version is coming soon.

Here are some more new features:

• Inches and Points support.
• More paper sizes (DIN, ANSI and Arch).
• Great new time-saving feature “Copy Settings” introduced – NO more back and forth!
• Modified “Quick conversion” section.
• Web designer friendly, use Points in 72 ppi resolution and calculate your grid.

Get Grid Calculator 1.3 for Mac OS X        

Introducing LegiStyles™


As some of you already know, I use NetNewsWire for all my feed reading duties. It’s an amazing desktop applications that offers a ton of great features including synchronization. One of the great advantages of using NNW is that you can use custom CSS styles on your feeds.

There are a bunch of styles out there that are good but they all kind of look the same and most of them don’t focus on typography and readability. I’m trying to fill this void with what I like to call LegiStyles™, a series of custom NNW styles I’ve created that focus on design and typography. Best of all they’re free.

As of now I have 4 styles available but I plan to add more over time. If you don’t use NNW, I highly recommend it. If you do, head over to the site and download a style or two.

I’ve setup an RSS feed as a way to keep informed on news and updates. For all you Twitter users, follow LegiStyles for updates and also reply with any feedback using @legistyles.


FontShop Releases FontShuffle


Today FontShop Berlin announced the release of FontShuffle, a type specimen catalog for your iPhone or iPod Touch. When I read this I jumped out of my chair. I’ve been waiting for an app like this since like forever dude! But after downloading it and playing around with it this morning, I’m a little disappointed. First I’ll start off with some of the good things about this app and then I’ll get into the stuff that makes this app fall flat on its face. Continue reading “FontShop Releases FontShuffle”