14 thoughts on “Nike Euro 2008

  1. Seems to be a great demand for these but no one knows where to get them. Ive got a soft spot for the holland & spain tops.

  2. googling yielded no results.

    I would put my money on one of those online retailers for ltd editions/famous brands.

  3. Hi everyone,

    First of all, thanks for the posting! I’m happy people are showing a lot of interest in the shirts. I’ve gotten a lot of emails asking where to buy them, and unfortunately, they are not currently for sale. Nike printed a very limited run, and is using them only for gifts to athletes and other individuals involved with Nike Football.

    I put them up on my website to see if there was public interest, hoping they would print more and sell them. So far, I haven’t heard anything back from Nike. With the tournament almost over, I’m not holding my breath.

    I’ll update this post if anything changes.

    Thanks again!

  4. Steve.

    Your work is really great–especially the Nike T’s. I know you said your not holding your breath, but it would be great to push on in trying to have them printed–so many people want them. Anything all of us could do to help?

  5. Wow Steve, that’s a bummer. I wonder if there is anyway we can suggest another print run to Nike? Does Nike have a suggestion box? 🙂 At any rate, those are lovely designs.


  6. Steve, thanks for the update and awesome work man. Maybe you can convince Nike to do a small run for the design community seeing that we’re probably more interested in these shirts than the actually fans.

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