Another gorgeous poster by Peter Crnokrak, AKA Plus Minus. Instead of me trying to explain it, below is an excerpt from Peter. The poster is available from Design Supremo.
A_B_… is a geopolitical survey of the 192 member states of the United Nations with regard to the quantitative degree to which each contributes to peace and terror in the world. The project is a dual-sided poster where the A_ side displays measures of peace, while the B_ side, measures of terror. For each of the A_B_ measures, the graph is divided into 3 rings (3 separate indexes for peace and 3 separate indexes for terror) that are themselves individual quantitative measures obtained from researchers working in the field of geopolitics. The quantitative variation for the peace and terror measures is represented as variation in line thickness: thin line=low value, thick line=high value.
A_B_… is a functional information design piece that uses computational aesthetic principles to compare complex and socially relevant data. The dual-sided overlay of the two graphs allows for a direct visual comparison of the peace and terror measures. The functional nature of the poster becomes poignantly relevant when one makes detailed comparisons across nations for the various measures—many of the results are quite surprising and stand in contrast to prevailing norms of collective national perception.
A_B_… is a limited edition of 20 dual-sided posters screen printed by K2 Screen London. The A_ side is printed verso in metallic graphite ink while the B_ side is printed recto in pearlescent white ink on GFSmith 180 gsm Transclear paper.
That’s superb. Very Edward Tuft. Reminds me of this:
I don’t know why I’m leaving a comment, seeing as how I’m left speechless by this poster. It’s absolutely gorgeous.
uhs…awesome thing
Great piece of work. I would love to actually be able to read it, so the information is truly clear. I like how nice looking it is, enticing people to get the very relevant info. Designers should do one of these pieces once a year and then distribute…Design can be a tool for social change.
That thing is glorious! Me likey.