The Mac is 30

30 years ago, the Mac was released and it changed everything. It definitely changed my life. I was attending high school when I used a Mac for the very first time, and it along with Photoshop 2.0, blew me away. I knew what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

The Mac has come along way in 30 years, and I’m exited to see where it’s headed.

Apple put together this beautiful site chronicling the history of the Mac.

Miggidy Macworld

Miggidy Macworld

For all you Apple fans out there, today is the big deal. What revolutionary, life altering gadget will Jobs release today? There’s a ton of rumors floating around on what might be announced like the MacBook Air and iTunes Movie Rentals but personally, I’m hoping there’s a lot of new iPhone announcements. Specifically new applications and an upgrade to the OS. Since the release, Apple hasn’t added anything BIG to the iPhone and I think today is going to be the day. We’ll see.