The Grid System Featured in Creative Review Magazine

A few weeks ago Creative Review Magazine contacted me about doing a small piece in their February issue about my site The Grid System. I just received a copy they sent me (I couldn’t find one in NYC believe it or not) and I think they did a great job with the piece. I’m deeply honored that I was asked to be included in the pages of this quality magazine and want to thank the folks over at CR for asking me to participate.

Head over to my flickr page to see more.

Die Neue Gesellschaft


I’ve been searching for months and months now for a single copy of Die Neue Gesellschaft, a political magazine that was art directed by Helmut Schmid, but they seem to be extremely rare. I was able to get in touch with some people who curate Schmid’s work and they sent over some original scans of the covers which are just gorgeous. I’m trying to get them to send over more but they haven’t replied to me in a while. In the meantime drool over these. This design was first used in 1974 with issue #7 and remained in use until 1981.

Honestly, I would pay good money for a complete set of these. I’m so obsessed with them.