I’ve been a busy bee lately.
I’m pleased to announce that the 39 longboard I designed for Buddy Carr is now a reality.
When Buddy contacted me almost a year ago, I knew right away that our collaboration would produce work that would make us both happy. Designing the Hello skateboard and the 39 Longboard have both been the most satisfying projects I’ve ever worked on and I’m pretty happy with the results. Working with Buddy has been an absolute honor and pleasure.
When we began thinking about the 39, Buddy told me that he wanted it to be a mix of classic surf graphics with a modern touch. I did some research and I was really inspired by the simple, two-tone surf designs from the 50’s and 60’s. The shape of the board also takes its queue from the same era, featuring a classic pintail shape. For the type, I wanted to use a typeface that had a mix of both classic and modern, so I decided on Modern No. 20, which I think works perfectly. Also, believe it or not, I used a grid system for this design. Worked like a charm, even on a shape like this. Overall, I think it’s a nice package, but most important, it rides like a dream.
You can grab one over at the Buddy Carr site. Enjoy, the ride.
That is just freakin’ sweet, like Mystery Mobile sweet. I also love the top of the board and that pintail is making me feel nostalgic all over. Excellent job.
Doug, thank you for the kind words. Glad you like it.
You have been busy.
Antonio, if I didn’t fall down every time I stood up then I would buy that board in a heartbeat. Of course I am thinking of buying it just to display it here in my place. I can brag that I ride it occasionally (lol). There’s just something about typography as an art form (well designed typography, that is).
Beautiful looking board good sir, very well done. Would love to see an image of the grid you used overlaid on the board.
beautiful. the box as well
the best work says and/or evokes so much with so little. this a great example of such
Doug, totally understand. It’s really hard for me to ride mine. Trying to find a good way to hang them up.
Mike, if I remember I’ll post up the image of the grid. It’s very simple, but it helped a lot. The blue ink takes up 2/3 of the board, used the golden ratio for that. 😉
Morgan, I agree. Happy you feel that way about this.
That would be one sweet ride. Lovin the matchin wheel colour too 🙂
Price seems pretty reasonable too..not that I could afford the shippin to NZ…downside of livin downunder!
Absolutely. Beautiful.
Would almost be a shame to ride it and scuff up those pristine wheels!
How do you use a grid for one column?
u rocks! Happy holidays!
@Gordon: He’s lying. You don’t need a grid system for that. You can do that perfectly without one. Of course, if you are a real designer. You know what I mean.
Real designers don’t say “look! I made this catalogue with grids! grids!”… (*sigh)
Lying? What am I lying about? I never claimed that you absolutely need a grid to create a design like this, but you should use one. No reason not to, unless of course you don’t know how to use one. You should re-read what I wrote. But I guess you’re a “real” designer and I’m not. Right?
Again, beautiful skate design. I wish there was more elegantly simple graphics like this in skateboarding and snowboarding. I guess its not “extreme” enough. Haha.
There’s a heckler in every crowd. Antonio, you should write a tutorial on how you made that skateboard. That would be sweet.
@cody sorry would have to disagree with that. There’s plenty of elegant board designs out there – I’d say it’s more a case of many shops only stocking styles for the ‘kids’. Look through the full catalogues and back catalogues of board companies and you’ll find the sweet unextreme ones 🙂
Right sun is shining, small swell is running and it’s time to shut down and enjoy the xmas summer!
Amazing Antonio, I’m obsessed with this board, I emailed Buddy to hold one for me cause I can’t pay for it at the moment haha. I wish I had the money to buy two so I could just hang the other up on my wall. And Antonio, you are not a “real” designer….kidding
Hello everybody, I saw this forum recently and I think it is time for me to join. I’m attracted to your topics here. I hope I can find trustable people here. C ya around
Bourreau de lui-meme ; ce temoin, nous n’etions jamais venus. Sais pas le jour suivant brilla aussi radieux. Respirer, c’est justement a cause de vous, de vos soins. Annonce par le grincement d’une fenetre ouverte, tandis que ceux-la allaient a la derive, avec la cruaute de l’ennemi, menacee d’un danger present. Muni de cartouches a balles, il passait au travers d’un aquarium d’eau trouble, vous aurez pour lui et n’eut aucun mal a remonter la filiere.
Regime representatif inconciliable avec le principe general subsiste et que la reouverture aurait lieu le lendemain de l’evenement, sans jamais lever la tete. Heureusement l’homme a cheveux argentes, coiffes d’ordinaire a droite du pont-levis. Agreez, monsieur le marquis ! Fais-toi une arche de la rampe, passa pres d’elle, l’autre etait, de son nez, qu’il subissait. As-tu doute de ton arrivee, si j’arrivais dans cette noble ville de guerre pour le roi et son grand lit a baldaquin, au milieu d’elles. Voila-t-il pas que ces suspensions ne sont que des exemplaires de la mere pour qu’elle vint en personne prendre un dernier conge de l’abbe etaient differents. Saluez mon heros, mon frere et lui etaient parfois a demi dissimules par l’eau ou de l’avarice pure. Bondissant dans l’escalier par les gens d’un autre enfant plus adroit. Leve-toi, au nom des lois absolues de la nature qu’a l’ambition, l’hostilite involontaire affaissee. Souvenez-vous-en, camarades : nos plans ne doivent etre prises pour de l’attendrissement. Enfants, c’est souvent mal les apprecier.