30 Years of Swiss Typographic Discourse in the Typografische Monatsblätter

30 Years of Swiss Typographic Discourse in the Typografische Monatsblätter

30 Years of Swiss Typographic Discourse in the Typografische Monatsblätter

30 Years of Swiss Typographic Discourse in the Typografische Monatsblätter

Lars Müller Publishers is really killing it this year with all these great titles. The just released title 30 Years of Swiss Typographic Discourse in the Typografische Monatsblätter explores the influential design journal Typografische Monatsblätter from 1960–90. The book includes works from designers such as Emil Ruder, Helmut Schmid, Wolfgang Weingart, Hans-Rudolf Lutz, Jost Hochuli and many others.

Definitely a must-have for any designers library.

Neue Grafik/New Graphic Design/Graphisme actuel 1958–1965

Neue Grafik

Neue Grafik

Neue Grafik

To say I’m excited about this would be an understatement. Lars Müller Publishers will be releasing reprints of all 18 issues of Neue Grafik. For those of you not familiar with Neue Grafik, it was an influential journal on graphic design published from 1958–1965 by Josef Müller-Brockmann, Richard Paul Lohse, Hans Neuburg and Carlo Vivarelli. It’s essentially the bible for the International Typographic Style. You can still get your hands on original copies, but a single issue can cost you a few hundred dollars.

This reprint collection will include commentary and is set to be released in January 2014. I. Can’t. Wait.