Typographische Monatsblätter Research Archive

Typographische Monatsblatter Research Archive

Prepare to spend the rest of your day on this site. TM Research Archive is an incredible website that catalogs cover designs of the influencial journal, Typographische Monatsblätter. The site focuses on the issues from 1960 to 1990, the period that had the most influence on modern typography, and it features interviews with designers that have contributed to the publication over the years, as well information on the designer and typeface used for each issue.

The site was created by Louise Paradis as part of her Master degree in Art Direction at the ECAL/University of Art and Design Lausanne, Switzerland. The project continued with the financial support from ECAL and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland.

All of the issues photographed were from the private collection of Jean-Pierre Graber, the chief editor of TM for over twenty years.

The site gives you a great sense of how the design evolved over the decades. My personal favorites are the covers designed by Yves Zimmermann, Emil Ruder, Robert Büchler and Felix Berman.

What an amazing resource to have available to designers. Thank you Louise.

Graphic Design for Non-profit Organizations

Graphic Design for Non-profit Organizations

AisleOne reader, Sean Wolcott, wrote in to tell me that Massimo Vignelli has given him permission to distribute a high-res PDF of his book, Graphic Design for Non-profit Organizations. This rare book is by Vignelli and Peter Laundry, and was published in 1980 in partnership with AIGA. The book focuses on design and best practices for non-profit organizations, but the content is a great resource in general and the teachings can be applied pretty much anywhere. There are sections on grids, typography, formats, logotypes, and color, just to name a few.

A big thank you to Massimo and Sean for making this valuable resource available to all.

You can download the PDF from here.