A_B_ Peace & Terror Poster Version 2


Peter wrote in to let me know that there is a new version of his brilliant A_B_ poster available for purchase. It’s a limited edition of 50 posters printed by K2 London. Dual-sided silk-screen print on GFSmith Plasma Polycoat Glass Clear, 350 micron plastic. Sounds yummy.

On a side note, Peter has re-branded himself under the name The Luxury of Protest.        

McCain’s Typeface


Great article by Steven Heller of the NY Times on the typeface used in John McCain’s presidential campaign. The McCain logo is set in Optima Bold and Heller asked a few designers, which include Michael Bierut, Ellen Lupton and Matthew Carter, two questions: What does Optima say about John McCain? And should this, or any, candidate be judged by a typeface?

I’m not a fan of Optima or McCain for that matter, but it’s definitely an interesting read.