I recently just finished a simple site for my families pizzeria, Dino’s Pizza. It’s a one-pager that has a responsive layout, accommodating screen widths from 1280px all the down to an iPhone. Fluid site design is the way to go in my opinion, especially now that people are viewing sites on multiple devices. I used the 1140 CSS framework as the base for my code, and then tweaked it from there.
Overall, I’m happy with it. I wanted to do more with animation, but I really didn’t have the time.
Seriously beautiful design, great work.
I like the fact that you used old pictures, it was a nice touch.
I just don’t like the way the text looks like, it’s not very readable. I don’t know how it looks to you, but this is how it looks to me: http://i41.tinypic.com/14m9w13.png
Thanks folks. Mary, which browser and OS are you on because it definitly shouldn’t look like that?
Google chrome and Windows XP, but shows up the same with Vista.
It’s Windows. Font rendering has always been terrible on that OS.
Well, that explains why I’ve never understood why so many designers use web fonts that looked so badly rendered, being a Windows user myself. As many designers choose to work with Mac, they forget most people use Windows and then forget most people will not see what they see… I always think “this would look great if it were printed, but right now I can’t read shit”.
Mary, it’s not the issue of the font, it’s the issue of the OS not providing adequate font rendering. If designers keep catering to a platform that offers sub-par quality, then it’s never going to improve. It’s a trade off a designer just has to make.
Mary, true, true …
Nice website. Looks even better in a single column.
I see your parents hail from the same part of Italy as my mother so I know that’s gonna be good pizza.
Mmmm, pizza!
Nice to see a bit of your personal work.
Agree with Valentino, you can go even more minimalist and have the whole site as one narrow column
I always meant to say how much I enjoy your blog. I regularly use it as a source for inspiration! Nice work.
I noticed that on my iPhone the typography is really loose and different from your screen shot? From what I understand the are the current supported fonts for iOS.
Looks great on iPhone, just the header isn’t centred. Everything else looks fantastic!
Antonio, I’ve used the skeleton framework for responsive design (getskeleton.com) and it works great out of the box.
I really like the page you made.
Looks great, the only thing bugging me is the PDF menu… that’s so typical of restaurant websites — but I don’t want to download a PDF to read the menu, put it on your site already 🙂
Thanks Erwin. What is the benefit of having the menu on the site over having it as a PDF? The file is tiny and doesn’t take much to download and it’s easier to print out.
“Call or visits us” love the site but gotta watch your spelling man!