11 thoughts on “Another Rome Wallpaper

  1. Thanks Joey. Nothing much to really explain. I wanted to mess around with the Avant Garde Alternates and I also have a current obsession with diagonals.

  2. Tnx for this. Not that i dislike the white version but for my old eyes a pure white on my desk is unusable.
    Maybe a black version like ‘the grid are good for the soul’ one? 🙂

  3. I usually don’t like it when counters are filled in, but I think it works in this case.

    The phrase is catchy enough; I could see it as the new slogan for Threadless or T-Shirt Hell. Personally though, I do get a little tired of the hostility that most creatives seem to have towards the suit and tie. I happen to think a well-dressed man is one who knows how to wear a suit without looking like one.

    Hey, there’s a new one for Men’s Wearhouse.

  4. Andrew, I’m definitely not one of those people. I love wearing suits for the right occasion, I actually own 3 suits, but the phrase is more about the stuffy corporate stiffs who wear suits than an attack on the suit itself.

  5. This is one of the nicest pieces i’ve seen in awhile, I’m in love with it. I love the way everything lines up and the diagonals just flow ever so nicely. Slap that on a t-shirt, i’d buy it.

    I’m thinking of purchasing the Avant Garde Alternatives now myself after seeing this.

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