15 thoughts on “Vintage Coke Packaging

  1. Yeah that’s why I hardly ever drink any soda. I still to water or juices but every now and then it’s nice to have a Coke.

  2. Don’t drink Soda’s, but I find this design much more attractive than some of the new labels. It feels much more unique.

    Then again, I guess I’m not used to this look, so it could just be that.

  3. Definitely worth buying just for the bottle and label. Also an interesting marketing idea—emphasising Coke’s tradition and that it hasn’t really changed that much.

  4. I saw these the other day at the supermarket as well. I was tempted to grab some but i was in a rush, and had my hands full.

    we have a few antique stores downtown and they have some of the original ones like these, so i was surprised when i saw the news ones.

    Also, in my downtown we have a few walls that still have the original Coca-Cola signs painted on the outside, nothing classier then picking up some of these and enjoying them in front of some history.

  5. it’s on my to-do list right after the trees finally turn green and it stops looking so gloomy around here.

    and with the question of why it tastes better in a bottle, since now you’re not tasting metal with it or who knows what chemicals out of plastic. Same reason beer tastes better out of a bottle.

  6. It also tastes better because of an different ammount of carbonic acid in the bottle and because of (i don’t know the english word for it, so i have to describe it) the different in how the “gaz” will show itself in the soda (size and amount of bubbles, resulting from: shape, content, material and surface of the bottle…).
    Therefore it not only tastes different when comparing bottle against can or plastic bottle but also if you compare glassbottle with plastic cap with a glass bottle, that has a cap as shown above.

  7. those bottles are a series of 3 which the first series was out christmas 2007 the hutchinson coke bottle christmas edition which i have 4 six packs of so the third edition will be released in the nexr few months, cool looking bottles.

  8. yes i do they came out for christmas 2007 so there is a pic of santa on the carton and it came out as a six pack bottles are straight edge and dont have coke sticker just edge on glass …

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