9 thoughts on “Clément Gallet

  1. This is the first time I have posted on your site, but I have been subscribed for a reasonable time and so have seen the types of things that you post. I have to agree with pretty much every post you have made in that the design is always incredible and more often than not very inspiring. Those are really the reasons I signed up to recieve the articles. BUT…I am a little concerned about the environmental effect of these promotional posters, printing presses, design books etc. Don’t get me worng, they all look awesome and I am no environmentalist hippy but I am starting to wonder, do these people use recycled materials, do they attempt to cut down on the chemicals used in the printing of these things? How many times do they print out test copies before they are happy with the outcome? I know they are probably not driving SUV’s or running coal power plants but I just wondered how much of the stuff posted on here is environmentally friendly. Maybe it doesn’t matter if it isn’t? Just me thinking out loud.

  2. Rob, I have no idea. Most people don’t list this information. It would be great if we all used recycled material but I honestly don’t see it as a major issue. There are bigger things that contribute more to pollution.

  3. I agree a lot with both posts, but still, I think of recycling as a pretty major issue. Not in terms of pollution, but in terms of the destruction of forests and the wildlife that inhabits it.


    This has been out for a while, but its a good example of great design for what I believe to be a good cause.

  4. I fully agree with Antonio in that there are a lot of bigger things that contribute more to pollution and I am sure there are many more things that contribute to deforestation and habitat destruction (such as cattle farming in Brazil for large meat distributors). I just can’t write anything on the Blog for McDonalds and Ford/GM don’t seem to have anyone to talk to about it either. So before I end up hijacking this comment stream and turn it into a hippy forum, just think about the green stuff before you print out another copy of your poster because the kerning between the J and o is slightly out.

  5. Hmmm, I guess I find it a bit odd that you don’t find the subject of Rob’s inquiry a “major issue”… I think awareness of the environmental impact of materials and processes involved in various projects is something more and more people are concerned with, and rightly so.
    But great posts as usual…

  6. I never claimed that the environment isn’t a major issue. I strongly believe it is. At work I always try not print something that is unnecessary. At home I even turn the water off when I’m brushing my teeth to reduce pollution. I just think that over printing paper at offices or using non recyclable materials is a much smaller issue when it comes to the environment. I’d love for everyone to only use recyclable material but there are other bigger issues that need to be solved first.

  7. Somewhat quite strange this discussion has turned up and actually here on Aisle One. Well, I think the usual process and well for most students that need to save money is using office or Reflex recycled white paper and printed at home. Once that is done and printed in colour, that the good quality paper is used. From one view, it’s not the student at entire fault, the printing presses and companies and mills produce these papers. However, most of not all mills are environmentally certified. It’s up to the designer and or client to choose recycled paper. Often than not, recycled paper gives a more tactile feel, often surprised how it feels much better for a certain project.

    Printing draft copies on good quality paper isn’t justifiable. Joel Speasmaker who edited and founded The Drama, there were images of his office entirely filled with endless lines of the maagazine – before it was published professionally.

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