Oh boy. I’ve been tagged by Richard over at AceJet. I usually hate this kind of stuff but I thought this could be a good opportunity to reveal a little more about myself.
4 jobs I’ve had
Pizza man
My family is very Italian and we’ve owned a pizzeria in NYC since the early 50’s. I started working there very young, I think around the age of 13. Started off as a counterman, then my father taught me how to make a pizza and I was promoted. Eventually I was managing the place while I was in high school.
Shoe Salesman
This job only lasted a week. I was sick of working at the pizzeria and my two best friends in high school were working at this popular shoe store in the city, so I applied for the job, not letting my father know that I was leaving the family business. After a week there, my old man demanded that I get my butt back to the pizzeria cause he needed me. Good thing he did because that job sucked. I thought I was going to start of selling shoes, but they dumped me in the stock room.
This was another short lived career move. A friend of my fathers owned, well still owns, a fancy restaurant in NYC. I was in high school and needed the money so my pops hooked me up with a job. I thought that since this guy was a good friend of my fathers, it was going to be easy. I was wrong. This guy tells me that I have to train for two weeks before he could start paying me. I was bummed but figured that he would still give me something. I ended up working 13 hours a day for 2 weeks straight with no pay. I got fed up and told the guy to go smoke a pipe.
Graphic Designer
Been doing it for the last 12 years. Started off very young with an internship through high school designing sports apparel for superstores like K-Mart. I had to steam the garments for presentations. It sucked so much. I then wanted to do 3D computer animation and tried that for a little but it didn’t stick. A friend of mine showed me this crazy new thing called Flash and I was hooked, which lead me to graphic design. I’ve been designing ever since, bouncing around from agency to agency, mainly in advertising.
4 shows I never miss
Lost – Greatest TV show ever written.
King of Queens – Hilarious.
Big Love – HBO creates some great shows.
New York Mets – Don’t know if this counts but I’m a huge fan.
4 places I’ve been
Italy – The motherland. My family has two homes out there so it’s a second home for me.
Mexico – My aunt and cousins use to live there when I was younger. I remember getting a bad cause of the runs there.
Puerto Rico – The wifey is from there. Beautiful island.
Bermuda – One of the most wonderful places on earth.
4 music artists I’m listening to
Radiohead – I own every album. They are absolutely brilliant.
Andrea Bocelli – His voice is so powerful.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Love em!
PJ Harvey – This chick can write.
4 people to pass it on to
Sorry guys! Eben, Dan, Dave and David.
Oh, so you’re Italian?
That certainly made my day:) One thing you didn’t know about me is my father is Italian/English. So I’m really just this hybrid of a person!
oh you bastard. i hate these things.