I found this amazing archive of old Citroen brochures from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s with beautiful cover designs. The 70’s are definitely the best with the 50’s and 60’s containing some gems as well but the 80’s are mostly terrible. I love how these designs are timeless and look as if they were created today.
7 thoughts on “Vintage Citroen Brochures”
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This archive is truly beautiful.
Made me smile.
I swear, what was it about the 80s that made so many things suck? I remember in the 80s making fun of the 70s. At least the 70s had some style.
The one on the bottom left is awesome.
The 70’s were truly an amazing time for typographic style and flair. I’m really attracted to this style.
Do the 70’s style ones remind anyone else of the 2012 logo? especially the 1974 one!
You mean the Olympic logo? Not at all.
“I love how these designs are timeless and look as if they were created today.”
It’s not so much that they are timeless in that they look as if created today as much as it is that much of today’s design is a throwback and a re-visitation to this particular style of clean lines and grids (as opposed to overlapping collage). In short, this is more retro than timeless.
That being said, I absolutely LOVE all four of these.