Brilliant advertising for Jeep by Bates Y&R, Copenhagen, Denmark. I love simple but powerful advertising like this.
4 thoughts on “Jeep”
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AisleOne. A visual journal on design, photography, film, music and culture.
Brilliant advertising for Jeep by Bates Y&R, Copenhagen, Denmark. I love simple but powerful advertising like this.
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Excellent idea. Love it!
Thanks for sharing, as I’ve only recently encountered the great swissmiss, and hadn’t subscribed in time to read.
At first sight I found the idea looks great , but this reveal the fact that Jeep and other 4×4 are created for a stupid goal : have the impression to ride everywhere, and to have no limit in the city. I hate jeeps and these drivers too.
This is exactly the jeeps drivers behaviour : park anywhere, ride insignificant obstacle ( I laugh when i see one ride a sidewalk). This ad is just anecdote for me and bad conception of mobility in the city.