The American Poster


Not only does the movie seem like it’s going to be great, but the poster is really well done in my opinion. Designed by Mojo House, the design is reminiscent of the minimal style seen during the 60s, but with a modern touch. The paper is even distressed to give it an authentic feel.

Here’s a good write up on the poster, with some nice examples of original posters from the 60s.

12 thoughts on “The American Poster

  1. while is a nice poster, there’s something unsettling about the way the actor name’s + title is stacked. There’s 4 different point sizes in 5 words, which in my books is a crime.

    also, the background photo has it’s flaws.. 1. her nose happens to be in a weird spot (too close to clooney’s butt) and 2. there’s something unsexy about not seeing a woman’s hair. the current crop makes her face look like a perfect square (not attractive).

  2. Love the look of this. It’s got so much more dynamism than if it had just been your typical full colour action poster. Think the subtle canvas effect in the background image works beautifully too.

    Thanks for posting!

  3. I screened this at the theater where I work last night, and while I’m in love with the poster and the cinematography in the film, overall I was hugely disappointed. Still, I’ll have the poster on my wall.

  4. While I do find the poster visually appealing, I can’t escape the feeling that I’ve seen it before. From a design perspective, this poster is a step backwards in time – not that this is necessarily a bad thing. I do think it borrows too heavily from another era, and does very little to advance the “discussion” around the design of movie posters.

    1. Raphy, I disagree. I think this style comes from an era when design was at its best. I think movie poster design has regressed, not progressed. It’s refreshing to see something this good, when what we’re used to seeing junk like this.

  5. I had a feeling you might defend the poster, but in doing so you’ve largely ignored my point. The design era from which The American poster borrows so heavily didn’t just spring from nowhere, it came as a result – or in response – to what preceded it. In other words, the designers from that era moved design forward, not reverse, into a new and exciting era. And they made beautiful new things.

    When you say movie poster design has regressed, I largely agree with you. But the answer is not to simply copy the glorious past. Yes, we must study what has come before, but then we must move forward with our own unique contribution to the history of graphic design.

    Yes, we rightly should reject posters such as the one you referenced. But if in response we only lift from the past, then we’ve simply squandered our unique opportunity to do good work that is relevant to the era in which we currently live.

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