These incredible photos are part of an editorial series shot by Vienna based studio, atelier olschinsky, for Nevertheless Magazine. The color tones throughout the series are breathtaking.
Tag: Photography
Akos Major Photography
Bosh Magazine
Back in 2007, the creators of the motorcycle magazine DicE included a 16 page skate magazine called BosH in the middle of it. The magazine features images that spanned the early days of skating, and also interviews with skate legends like Steve Olson and Duane Peters. BosH only lasted 3 years, but it seems to me like it was one of the best skate publications produced in a while. I really love the cover designs and the use of minimal photography, and the type is perfect.
Laura Dart Photography
I’m drooling over the photos of Laura Dart. Great mood and color tone.
As you may already know, photography is something that I have a passion for. I just don’t do enough of it, so I went ahead and created a blog called Millimetr where I’ll be posting my photos. It should be a nice motivator and hopefully it will get me to take more photos. Most of what will be featured will be taken with an iPhone 4S using a wonderful app called Mattebox. I’ll also feature photos taken with my Canon T2i, but I expect a majority of the photos to come from my iPhone since it’s always with me. There is a known quote, not sure who said it, that I believe to be true:
“The best camera is the one that’s with you.”
People stress about which camera to buy, but at the end of the day it’s about taking pictures. I’m hoping this works out to be true for me.
I’ve also whipped up a logo for the blog using the typeface Proxima Nova Extra Condensed by Mark Simonson.
Eric Cahan Sky Series
I absolutely love this series of photographs by Eric Cahan. He manages to capture amazing colors and super simple gradients. What really amazes me about the photos is how simple some of the images are. Lovely.