Here’s some more vintage goodness. I found this excellent Flickr set of vintage beer cans. I’ve never seen that odd can shape, looks like motor oil. Love it. There are also a few brand-less cans with only “Light Beer” printed on them which are really nice.
Tag: packaging
Vintage Oil Cans
I’m really digging these vintage oil can designs by Antrepo to showcase their typeface, Public Gothic. It makes you wonder what the hell happened to our society that made us go from nice packaging design like this, to this.
Kristín Agnarsdóttir
Recent graduate Kristín Agnarsdóttir designed this Knoll Architectural Paint packaging for a design class at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California. The class assignment was to either redesign an existing architectural paint line or choose a brand or designer and invent a paint line for them. Here’s what had to say about why she selected the Knoll brand:
Based on my love for strong simple mid century designs, I chose Knoll as my inspiration and maker of a new line of paint colors. The name is french and means “light”. The idea is that they only make a very selected line of colors inspired by their textiles and color choices through the decades.
Excellent choice of colors that would make this product stand out from the rest. I’d by this stuff solely on the great design of the packaging.
I’m sure she received in A in that class. I love seeing work of this caliber coming from recent graduates.
Brian Eno Limited Edition Box Set
I just came across this insanely gorgeous piece of print design by Nick Roberston. It’s a limited edition box set for musician/artist Brian Eno that includes 12″ square lithographic prints of Brian’s artwork. The artwork is printed on 352gsm Mohawk Superfine stock and everything is packed in a hardcover type package and features some fine foil stamping.
The overall package is beautiful and the level of detail really makes this piece extraordinary.
Sea Design Updates
Sea Design has updated with a new site and a truck-load of new work. Drool.
Brothers Coffee Roasters
Elegant and simple identity and packaging design for Brothers Coffee Roasters by Australian studio Verse.