Almir Mavignier

Almir mavignier

Almir Mavignier is a Brazilian born painter and graphic designer that studied at the Ulm School of Design (hfg Ulm). During his career he has amassed a massive portfolio of excellent poster designs. His use of colors and geometrics shapes is brilliant. There was also a book published featuring his posters titled, Almir Mavignier: Additive Posters.

Via Ricardo Nucci

Pierre Mendell

Pierre mendell

Pierre Mendell (1929 – 2008) was a graphic designer that studied design under Armin Hofmann at the Schule für Gestaltung in Basel and later went on to form the Mendell & Oberer studioin 1961 in Munich. Mendell is best known for his work identity work Vitra and Siemens.

The MoMA has a small, but great, gallery of some of his work.